Skin Cancer Clinic Services

At Sovereign Medical Centre, we prioritize early melanoma and skin cancer detection, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment and management. With world-leading cutting-edge technology and experienced professionals, we conduct thorough screenings and scans to identify suspicious lesions. Our multidisciplinary team offers personalized care, utilizing surgical expertise, medical interventions, and innovative treatments. We provide unwavering support and tailored treatment plans to improve outcomes and enhance patients' quality of life. Through promoting awareness and proactive healthcare, we are committed to safeguarding our patients' well-being.

Below are the Skin Cancer Screening & Diagnosis Options we provide

We offer two different skin cancer diagnosis options to cater to our patients' diverse needs:

Standard Skin Check with a Doctor

a) Our standard skin check involves a 10–15-minute consultation with a skilled doctor.

b) The doctor will visually examine the patient’s skin and moles using a handheld dermascope.

c) This option is available with a gap fee of $50, allowing patients to receive professional skin assessment and expert advice from a qualified physician.
These diverse options cater to varying needs and budget considerations, ensuring that patients have access to effective skin cancer diagnosis and monitoring. Whether opting for the comprehensive full body scan, a focused two mole check, or a standard skin check with a doctor, all three options prioritize early detection and provide patients with peace of mind regarding their skin health.

Skin Cancer Treatment and Management

When it comes to skin cancer, early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial for favourable outcomes. Skin cancer treatment and management oft en involve two primary procedures: skin cancer biopsy and skin cancer excision. Let's explore the difference between these procedures and understand their importance in the context of skin cancer.

Skin Cancer Biopsy

A skin cancer biopsy is a diagnostic procedure performed to determine whether a suspicious skin lesion is cancerous. During a biopsy, a small sample of the skin tissue is removed and sent to a laboratory for examination. There are different types of biopsies, including:

  1. Shave Biopsy: In this procedure, the top layers of the skin are shaved off using a scalpel or a similar tool.
  2. Punch Biopsy: A circular tool is used to remove a small, deep sample of the skin.
  3. Excisional Biopsy: The entire suspicious lesion is surgically removed along with a small margin of normal skin for analysis.

The importance of a skin cancer biopsy lies in its ability to provide an accurate diagnosis. By analysing the biopsy sample, medical professionals can determine the type and stage of skin cancer, which guides further treatment decisions.

Skin Graft: A skin graft is a surgical technique where a piece of healthy skin is taken from one area of the body (donor site) and transplanted to the excision site. This procedure is commonly used when the excised area is too large to be closed directly or when closure may cause significant distortion or
tension on the surrounding issue.

Flap Reconstruction: Flap reconstruction involves transferring a section of healthy skin, along with its underlying blood vessels, from a nearby area to cover the excision site. This technique allows for a
more complex closure and is often used when the excision involves structures like muscles or when a larger amount of tissue is needed to restore the normal appearance and function of the area.

Healing and Recovery: Following excision with a skin graft or flap procedure, proper wound care and close monitoring are essential. The healing process may vary depending on the size and location of the excision and the type of procedure performed. Patients may be advised to keep the wound clean, avoid excessive movement or pressure on the area, and follow any specific post-operative
instructions provided by the surgeon.

Potential Risks and Complications: As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with excisions and reconstructive techniques. These may include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, scarring, pain, and changes in skin sensation. It is important to discuss these risks with the surgeon beforehand and follow their post-operative care guidelines to minimize the chances of complications.

Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up visits with the surgeon are crucial to monitor the healing process, assess the effectiveness of the reconstructive procedure, and ensure there are no signs of
recurrence. The surgeon may provide specific instructions regarding wound care, activity restrictions, and any additional treatments or medications that may be required during the recovery period.

Mole Excision Pricing

Pricing and estimating the time duration of excision procedures can be challenging due to the inherent complexity and the fact that each case is unique. Several factors contribute to this complexity, making it difficult to provide a standardized cost or time estimate. Here's a clear explanation of why pricing and estimating time duration for excision procedures are complicated:

Skin Lesion Size: The size of the skin lesion being excised plays a significant role in determining the
complexity of the procedure. Larger lesions may require more extensive excisions, resulting in a longer operation time and potentially more complex wound closure techniques.

Body Location: The location of the skin lesion affects the complexity of the excision procedure. Areas
with thinner skin, delicate structures, or intricate anatomical features may require extra care and precision, which can extend the duration of the procedure.

Number and Layers of Stitches: The number of stitches required to close the wound after excision depends on the size and shape of the excision site. Additionally, some wounds may require multiple layers of stitching, such as deep sutures followed by superficial sutures. The complexity of the wound closure process can impact the time duration and the overall cost.

Supplies and Dressings: The amount and type of supplies and dressings used during and after the excision procedure can vary. Some wounds may require specialized dressings or advanced wound
care products, which can contribute to the overall cost. The choice of supplies depends on the individual case and the surgeon’s judgment.

Complexity of the Procedure: The complexity of the excision procedure itself is an important consideration. Some excisions may involve multiple layers of tissue removal, reconstruction
techniques like grafts or flaps, or additional procedures to address specific concerns. These complex cases require meticulous planning, specialized skills, and may result in longer operation times.

Follow-Up Needs: The post-operative follow-up requirements can vary depending on the patient and
the complexity of the excision. Some cases may necessitate frequent visits for wound assessment, suture removal, or additional treatments. These follow-up visits and treatments can impact the overall cost and time duration associated with the excision procedure.

Due to the individual nature of each case and the factors mentioned above, it is challenging to provide a standardized pricing or time estimate for excision procedures. The Doctor must evaluate the specific characteristics of the case, discuss the procedure details with the patient, and consider
the potential complexities involved to provide an accurate estimate.

It is crucial for patients to have a thorough discussion with their healthcare providers regarding the expected cost, time duration, and any potential variations specific to their case. This way, patients can have a clearer understanding of the complexity and the factors influencing the pricing and estimation process for their excision procedure.